Waiting to Adopt Yi Mei

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Blessings

I ran the Mother's Day 5 K run today and could cross the finish line as a proud mom this year.  Crossing that finish line represented both the physical victory of of being able to run a 10 minute mile and the emotional victory of embracing what I have been created for after all these years.  It was a very sweet day. 

There has been a lot of struggle this past month.  After the high of receiving my LOA from China, there has been a never ending battle to get my 1800 immigration approval.  Something that should take 10 days has dragged on to 7 weeks.  Partly due error on my part and partly due to a very unorganized government worker, there has been nothing but red tape.  I honestly don't know if I will make the end of June travel date right now.  I have shed many tears over this, but I refuse to let this get me down today.  After all, I am a mom and I have a daughter waiting for me. 

I know God is going to use this for my good, as I am learning to let go of control once again and place this adoption in His hands.  God has brought so much encouragement this weekend to remind me that He is with me.  On Friday, my fellow reading teachers had a celebration in honor of my adoption and two other ladies (one retiring and one moving).  A very talented teacher, designed the most elaborate cookie cake that I have ever seen!  The cake was in the shape of a school house and each of us had a room filled with books.  The titles of the books were unique to our situations.  My shelf held books with children's literature, books on China and Chinese Fairy Tales.  Carol, the teacher retiring, had books on travel and leisure.  I have attached a picture to capture the incredible detail.  What's more, the reading teachers gave me a monetary gift enclosed in a fortune cookie.  The fortune cookie had a fortune that read, "A beautiful blessed daughter is in your future.  Family and friends will share your joy."  I was so touched by the thought that these lovely ladies put into the celebration.

When I got home from work that very afternoon, my aunt had mailed a birthday card with a significant monetary gift.  This gift was very timely, as it looks like I will have to purchase last minute airline tickets to make the late June/July group. 

It just kept getting better when I opened my computer to find an update from China.  Yi Mei looks as cute as ever.  The report says that she has grown two inches and is afraid of winged creatures.  A friend from my yahoo adoption group went to Yi Mei's orphanage and posted a video of her daughter handing out treats to Yi Mei's class.  I loved seeing what her everyday life is like.  The pictures and video were the best Mother's Day present ever. 

God showered me with His love, reminding me of His goodness in some very tangible ways.  My container could not hold all the blessings that He poured out this weekend!  Did I mention that I found out that a lady from my Yahoo adoption group happens to live in Kansas City and is in the same local organization as me?  My dear friend's Wendi and Jenny were in town from Topeka and they brought Yi Mei a very special gift- a Jenny Lu original painting made just for Yi Mei's room.  here are some pictures from this weekend: