Waiting to Adopt Yi Mei

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Sunday, August 19, 2012

One Month Home

Six weeks ago today, Yi Mei was placed in my arms for the first time.  She cried, kicked and screamed something awful and at that moment I knew that I was going to be in for the ride of my life.  I will never forget how she napped sitting up with her shoes on that first afternoon, trying so hard to maintain control.  Six weeks later and four weeks at home, she is still one determined little girl!  Yi Mei has managed to wiggle out of her car seat, call my friends on the phone, lock herself in the car and find new ways to test her mom every day.  The latest antics have been spitting in bed, spilling water on purpose, squatting to pee in public places, running away from me in the parking lot, throwing things in the car, eating things at friend's houses and refusing them at home and taking bites out of all the fruit in the fruit basket.  Yes, she keeps me on my toes all the time.  While her behavior is still a challenge, there has been progress in so many other areas.  Yi Mei now laughs more than she cries, prefers to walk more often than being carried, is able to sit down to a meal at the table without throwing a fit, sleeps in her own bed, loves her dog, plays independently for short periods and understands more and more each day. 

The biggest change has been that she is seeking me out to calm her down at night rather than fight bed time.  Now she makes the motion for me to rock her to sleep.  As I hold her in my arms, I whisper affirmations to her and she smiles so wide.  A couple of times, she looked into her doll's eyes and repeated the same affirmations to her doll.  Rocking her and singing in the car with her, are some of my favorite times.  Yi Mei loves to watch the "We Sing Videos" and knows many songs by heart.  Her favorites are "Wheels on the Bus" and "Old Mc Donald". When she is very happy, she will sing Chinese songs to herself.   Yi Mei understands most simple phrases spoken to her, though she still speaks in Chinese. In addition to hello, goodbye, mama and chocolate, she now says the words:  Popsicle, bicycle, chicken nuggets, shoes, Freedom and hot.  Her favorite activities are still biking and swimming but she also likes to swing, watch Curious George, play with cars, bake, visit the neighbors and write on paper.  Her writing is a series of squiggly lines, but she is fascinated with print and will ask me to write the words:  mama, Freedom and Yi Mei.   Yi Mei loves being with people.  Though she is reserved at first, she eventually warms up and will blow kisses when it is time to leave. 

Yi Mei is still having difficulty with attachment, as she wipes off my kisses, prefers to go on outings or visit people over being at home and will cry out for her Nanny instead of her mama when scared at night.  She usually has one huge tantrum per day, where she hits me and cries for her Nanny.  As hard as it is to see, I am glad that she is able to grieve her loss. Having attachment difficulties after being in an orphanage for four years is normal.  She is giving affection a little more each day and whenever she gives it,  I soak in the moment.

My life has become so rich because of this precious little girl God has entrusted me with.  I am able to see the world in a whole new way- I can't imagine life without her anymore.

Here are some pictures of our recent outings to Deanna Rose Farmstead, Baking, Playing with Freedom and the Zoo:

Friday, August 17, 2012

First Day of School

I couldn't have been more proud of YiMei today.  Only four weeks home and she was able to stay at preschool for one hour.  When we first got there, she thought we were both going to school and was eager to play with the toys. However, when she spotted me leaving the room, she shrieked, "Mama!"  It was very hard to walk away. After twenty two years of teaching, it felt a little strange being the parent of the screaming kid, rather than the teacher today.  I couldn't help but wonder how my students were doing on their second day of school.

 Upon checking in 10 minutes later, they told me that she had allowed the para to calm her down and was able to join the kids for breakfast.  I came back an 45 minutes later and she was sitting quietly in the para's lap, listening to the teacher give instructions.  I am hopeful that she may be able to stay for the entire three hours in a couple of weeks.  I am very blessed to have  access to such a wonderful Early Childhood Program.  I am very impressed with Yi Mei's teacher and am so thankful for the nurturing teacher's aid. 

Here is a picture of Yi Mei on her first day.  She picked out her Chinese outfit and squeaky shoes for the occasion.