Waiting to Adopt Yi Mei

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Summer Fun

Yi Mei and I are having the time of our lives!  My little girl is blossoming before my eyes.  Summer has been a time for Yi Mei to further her attachment, develop confidence and enjoy life. 

We made so many memories this summer.  A highlight of our summer was visiting
Yi Mei's orphanage sister in New Orleans and discovering the ocean.  Yi Mei learned to swim, lost her first tooth, went on her first camping trip and formed new friendships in the neighborhood.  Though she still needs lots of hugs and kisses throughout the day, Yi Mei is now able to play outside with friends without mom being present.  I have delighted in seeing her confidence grow in so many areas.

Yi Mei is now able to express preferences for certain items.  Here are some of her  favorites:

animals:   horses (forsies) and elephants
friends:  Zoey, Allison and Ella
treat:  Oreo cookie ice cream and Kit Kat's
snack: Funions
color:  orange
activity:  swimming and making presents for people (frezents)
toys:  Barbies and Polly Pockets- she can spend hours organizing their clothes

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Forever Family Day

One year ago God blessed me with my precious little girl.  The day we met at the Civil Affairs Office will be forever etched in my memory.  I remember how her face lit up when I first walked in and how tiny she appeared.  I also remember thinking how beautiful she was and how easy it would be to love this little girl. 

We have both faced many challenges this first year, but the joy that comes from knowing that she chose to let me  love her exceeds any I have ever known. 

I love you my sweet, girl.  You have more determination than anyone I know.   I am so thankful that God chose me to be your forever mother.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

First Easter

Yi Mei had a blast hunting for Easter eggs.  Her favorite part was discovering all the little goodies in her Easter basket.  It was a very exciting morning!  Yi Mei loves all the American holidays and her concept of time revolves around when the next holiday will appear.

Though she loved all the goodies the Easter Bunny brought, her real fascination has been with the Crucifixion.  Yi Mei loves to learn about God and asked me to read the First Easter story almost every night. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Little Girl is Growing Up

Next week I will register Yi Mei for Kindergarten, Its hard to imagine her in Kindergarten- but my little girl is growing up.  Like most five year olds, she enjojys sleepovers with her best friend Ali, loves to dress up and is passionate about fairy tales. She has even begun to play good guys chasing bad guys, a recess game she discovered at school.  The biggest change has been in her ability to regulate her emotions.  She is able to tell me when she is sad or mad and can empathize when others are upset.  The other day she insisted we make a heart for her friend Alison who had a bad day and was very sad. 

Yi Mei has matured in some ways, yet she is still so innocent in other ways. She is so eager to show me her artwork that we can barely make it from Day Care to the car. The pictures are always the same-   maps leading from our home to her school or pictures of mommy, Freedom and Yi Mei.  Though she has progressed from playing with baby dolls to barbies and ponies,  most of her imaginary play still revolves around the mother and baby theme.  Yi Mei loves stuffed animals and has a mommy and baby set for all her animals (pig, elephant, dog, bunny and monkey).  She has a vibrant imagination and will engage in imaginary play for an hour at a time.Yi Mei was so sure her snowman would come to life that she got her flashlight out and checked throughout the night. 

Here are some pics of our winter activities- Tea Party with Belle, Princess Day at the zoo and sleepover with Ali:

 Yi Mei now loves to read her stories to me and is quite an expressive reader.  Listen to her reading Corduroy, a story about a bear who needs a home.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Yi Mei!

It is the evening of my daughter's birthday and I am filled with emotion.  Yi Mei turned 5 today and it is our eight month anniversary.  I am continually humbled by the thought of God entrusting me with this beautiful, precious, spirited girl.  She has come so far in these past eight months!  Walking out adoption has been exciting, challenging, stressful but always joyful.  Those times when I am at my wits end, all I have to do is think about how much she has been through and my hope is quick to appear.  She will have many obstacles ahead, as she works to overcome her developmental delays.  I am confident this little fighter will soar.    

The past couple of days have been pure joy.  We had a special dinner last night and a kid's party today.  Yi Mei has been anticipating this birthday for months and I have never seen her so happy.  She squealed with delight at the sight of her new Pink Cadillac and insisted on a test drive despite the rainy weather. Yi Mei's smile melts my heart and how I loved seeing her smile today!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Year of t he Snake

This weekend we celebrated Chinese New Year and our 7th month anniversary.  Seven months from today, I first held Yi Mei in my arms.  I'll never forget the day we both locked eyes in the civil affairs office or how she slept on top of me that first night, clinging to me for dear life.  Those first five months were hard for both of us, as we both adjusted to our new circimstances. Life has been wonderful these past couple of months and we have so much to celebrate. 

Since Yi Mei has no recollection of celebrating the New Year in her own country, it was a special weekend for us to create new traditions as a family, while celebrating her culture.  Yi Mei enjoyed  setting off fireworks (jumping on bubble wrap) and eating cake shaped like a snake a with the kids from our adoption group.  We also enjoyed festivities with our "aiyees" (aunties) at the Nelson Art Gallery.  Yi Mei was thrilled when she could touch the Lion who danced right before her eyes. Yi Mei loved opening her red envelope to find money inside.  She has decided to spend her New Year's money on a kit kat bar (her new favorite treat). 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Six Months Home

I have seen Yi Mei make gigantic leaps in both language acquisition and emotional maturity these past two months.  The last major meltdown she had was at the beginning of December.  We are finally at a point where we can problem solve together when she is frustrated about a situation.  I knew things had turned around the evening she was very upset because we had company and she had to go to bed.  Instead of resorting to one of her primitive screaming/kicking fits she cried and yelled, "I am so mad at you!" While most mothers wouldn't consider such a display of emotions grounds for rejoicing, I knew a significant corner had been turned.  Yi Mei actually sounded like a very typical four year old on that particular occasion. 

Yi Mei has developed an appetite for broccoli and discovered that cereal tastes much better with milk.  Yi Mei now loves pizza and macaroni and cheese like a true American child. She still has a fear of going hungry and insists that we have "5 eats" every night.  Yi Mei invented a game called "fall asleep".  In "fall asleep", Yi Mei gets to decide when everyone goes to sleep and wakes up.  I am quite fond of this game too, as I get to close my eyes for short periods of time. Playing with dolls, little figurines and stuffed animals are still her favorite activities.  She will spend hours sending her little figurines to school and tucking them in with blankets she cut out of an old cloth. 

Yi Mei has a love hate relationship with her culture.  She will not speak her native language or engage anyone who speaks Chinese to her.  Yet, when she viewed Mulan, she kept referring to China as "my China".  She is trying to put together the events of her life and will often say, "I missed you when I was in China".  Seeing the mother and baby elephant reunited in Dumbo, has helped her work through some emotional memories. Yi Mei has watched it no less than ten times already. She has already asked me if she came out of my tummy.

The reading teacher in me is happy that she now prefers storybooks over word books.  I am finally able to share some of my favorite picture books with her. Yi Mei loves simple fairy tales such as, "The Three Bears" and "The Three Little Kittens".   She will even read Brown Bear, Brown Bear to me.  When I read to her, she will put my arm around her neck and will snuggle into me as close as possible.  This is my favorite time of day, as it is the only time when I feel her body totally relax and trust me.  It is the only time that she allows me to be the mother and herself to be my little girl, without fighting for control.  Reading together is bonding at its best!

Yi Mei's latest expressions are "just a minute" and "no touchy".  She is very curious about the world around her and continually asks, "Doin mommy?"  "I don't like it", is still the most common used phrase.  She uses this phrase to express her displeasure in certain TV episodes, foods and many clothing items.  Yi Mei loves to wear "pretty dressies", but much to my dismay she will not wear hair accessories, dress up shoes or boots.  Her shoe wear of choice would be flip flops or crocs, but will wear tennis shoes in the winter.  Yi Mei is my "footloose and fancy free" girl, still preferring to sleep and run around in nothing but underwear.

Yi Mei spent her first Christmas in Chicago and handled the week long trip very well.  We had to spend the night in Iowa, as she could only tolerate 41/2 hours of driving a day.  Yi Mei loves family life and relished the love around her.  She and her grandma, "Ni pour", are very close.  When we arrived in Chicago, she jumped out of the car and ran to the door announcing, "Ni pour, Ni pour, I am here!"   She still talks about Ni pour and is counting down the days until we see her again.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Yi Mei and I celebrated the eve of 2013 with our friend Debby and her granddaughter Bella.
What a celebration it was!  I purchased steamers, bubbles, horns and plastic champagne glasses for toasting 7-Up.  We had planned for the girls were going to ring in the New Year at 9:00, but after hearing, "When do we get to make the loud noise?" for the tenth time, we began the count-down at 8:00.  Yi Mei and Bella  blew horns, danced, banged on pots and played instruments for the next hour. 

The girl's exuberance was an outward manifestation of my own heart.  Yi Mei and I will always remember 2012 as the year that we first laid eyes on each other- a year of painful waiting and a year of great rejoicing.  Above all, a year filled with fabulous adventure! 

Thank you to everybody who helped bring Yi Mei home.  The outpouring of your hearts allowed this sweet little girl to experience a mother's love, the security of a family and true joy.