Waiting to Adopt Yi Mei

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Gotcha Day

  Yi Mei has been with me for 32 hours now and it seems like we have been together forever. She attached to me very quickly and has been a little angel. We have taken her swimming and to a huge park down the street. She loves seeing people and takes everything in. Kathy and I think she is very smart as she knew how to unlock the hotel door within seconds of arriving.

Yi Mei was very upset at the hand off. She screamed at the top of her lungs for hours. When we got back to the hotel Kathy had to sit by the door to keep her from bolting out. She hit me and couldn't be consoled. After 4 hours she finally collapsed from exhaustion. Yi Mei is one strong willed little girl.  Not only did she nap with her shoes on, but she refused to lie down.  She actually fell asleep with her head in her lap.  After napping in my arms, Yi Mei awoke in a much more peaceful state. She out of her sy has not only accepted her situation, but has delighted in all the attention.

Yi Mei is the cutest little thing. When she sleeps with me she likes to lay right on top of me. As soon as she rises, she puts her shoes on.  Yi Mei has been very eager to explore her new surroundings.  When we go on outings she walks with the happiest little gait- Kathy and I are enjoying every minute of our time with her. She doesn't speak to us yet, but she has been smiling. Thank you for praying. When we went back to the civil affairs office today, she was doing much better than the other girls who did not cry the previous day.


  1. Congratulations Rose! I am so happy for you. I will be there before the month is over.

  2. congratulations Rose! Sorry Yi Mei's grieving was so heartbreaking. Glad to hear that all now is going so well. Thinking of you both and can't wait to meet her! Trish (FBWC)

  3. Rose! So wonderful to hear you are there and you have Yi Mei. I will pray for increased bonding and peace in her heart. Can't wait to see pictures!

  4. Praying for you and your new little one

  5. So glad to hear the transition went well. Blessings to you!!!

  6. Plenty of time for her heart to adjust... I know you have the necessary patience. I look forward to meeting Yi Mei and seeing you in the role of a Mother.

  7. Congratulations!!! Prayers and thoughts with all of you :)

  8. Original comment lost in cyberspace...trying it again. CONGRATULATIONS Mama Rose! I am so happy to hear you made it through the transition, and now you and sweet YiMei can begin your new life together as a family! Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts your way!
