Waiting to Adopt Yi Mei

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Our Last Day

We didn't have any appointments today so Yi Mei and I slept in until 9:00. Yi Mei no longer wakes up weepy. She has learned about the tickling game and asks to be tickled each morning. Yi Mei delights in children's games such as peek a boo and the Itsy Bitsy Spider. She has the most precious laugh and she frequently erupts in giggles.

Yi Mei had a huge breakfast of sausage, a chocolate crescent, fried rice and hashed browns. We definitely have been spoiled by the breakfast buffet. Yi Mei will be disappointed with the limited offerings at home.

Since today was our first day without any appointments, we made it a quiet day. We spent the morning dancing to Chinese Children's Music (Yi Mei loves to sing). Afterwards we went to the pool with another family. They gave Yi Mei an inner tube and she was absolutely delighted! Typical to any four year old, she wanted to swim by herself. This little girl has so much determination. You should have seen her doing laps across the pool; propelling herself forward by kicking.

I think she wore herself out, as she went down for a nap without screaming. for the first time.

We leave at 7:00 am for our twenty four hour journey home. Due to weather, Kathy got stuck in Hong Kong. She had to spend the night and will now arrive home Thursday evening. So far the forecast looks good for Friday. I am very ready to come home, but I feel sad that YiMei may is leaving her birth country.

Yi Mei will become an American citizen as soon as we land in Chicago. I am now off to get the sealed brown envelope that we hand over to US Immigration in Chicago.

Your prayers and encouraging words have sustained me.


  1. I'll pray for a safe, easy, calm trip home! Hopefully Yi Mei will fall asleep easily on the plane. Sounds like you've got quite a support network on this end...Such a good thing! Take care.

  2. Too bad you can't take her swimming before the flight home! That would put her to sleep for a while. Praying desperately for a good trip home. Hopefully she will tolerate the seat belt without throwing a fit during take off, and will then be able to move around the plane during the flight. Patience-patience-patience! You are almost home!! Yea!

  3. Hi rose and yi mei. Glad to hear all is going "swimmingly". Congrats on all the big milestones and special moments!! Hope you have a nice and safe flight home, we all here will be praying for you. (oh, and you WILL miss the China Hotel buffet once home, I know we all miss it) Be prepared for ups and downs once home, it s quite an adjustment period. God bless you both, from Lynette and family.
